Firefox, iPhone fix and X
Browsing slooooow?
Many people blame an old computer or their internet connection when web browsing feels pokey, but the browser itself matters too: Google’s Chrome, Microsoft’s Edge, and Apple’s Safari all compete with Mozilla Firefox for users.
Which one is best? Depends on your specific setup. Chrome is the market leader but Mozilla, the rare tech non-profit, has just completely rebuilt Firefox (download here) and it’s FAAAST and sleek, plus it has built-in screenshots. Apple’s Safari was also updated in the latest MacOS, High Sierra, and has some cool new features. Good to have options!
The auto-correct bug is fixed
Install the latest update if your iPhone was creating weird characters when you typed “I”–but backup first, just in case.
iPhone X: What’s the Deal?
- Big screen in a small body
- Everything else about it is Apple’s top of the line
- FaceID–unlocking your phone with your face instead of your finger–is getting mostly positive reviews so far (twins, beware!)
- Wireless charging is a pleasure
- Losing the Home button requires learning some new tricks
- The PRICE!! With optional AppleCare, a case, and maybe a wireless charger, you’re closing in on $1,300 before tax. Yowch.