“Net neutrality is the secret sauce
that has made the internet awesome”
– Prof. Barbara Van Schweik, Stanford Law
The FCC just voted to repeal net neutrality. Because we all know that our internet providers put consumers’ interests above profits. Here’s what this means, and how the lack of rules has played out elsewhere.
Can’t get enough of Transparent?
On a more cheerful note, the announcement last week that Apple TV supports Amazon Video, it’s FINALLY possible to get iTunes, Netflix and Amazon content on a single device. Roku still has a few advantages: price, clearer navigation, headphone jack on the remote, an exclusive Spectrum TV app (save money by eliminating the cable box), and a model that works with older TVs —but for Apple-centric households, the news is a holiday gift.
If you’re unsure what works best for you, here’s a slightly dated but thorough analysis of the options.
Tick, tick, tick
Scrambling for last-minute gift ideas? How about:
- these wallet-friendly ideas from The Skimm
- Discounted iTunes gift cards from Costco and other big-box stores (e-cards for instant delivery!)
- membership in a discount theater ticket program (for students, freelancers, and older folks)
- an Apple Watch with cell service for the constantly connected
- headphone adapters for newer iPhone and Android phoneswithout headphone jacks, $9!
- the new Alexa-compatible Sonos speaker
- great Bluetooth headphones (for sports, for blocking out the world, for calls)
- pretty much any second-generation Amazon Echo
Or, the ultraluxury option: available now, the most powerful computer Apple’s ever built, starting at $4999 (and rising to the stratosphere).
Happy shopping!