Skills You Should Have
My favorite among the ESSENTIAL computers skills everyone should have is the ability to select multiple items at once. Super useful when you need to delete, move, copy, organize a bunch of files, email, photos, whatever, and really easy once you know how.
Tutorials are now up on our YouTube channel: for Mac, for Windows.
Windows People:
Microsoft’s latest update for Windows 10 seems to be working (for once), and (finally!) restores the ability to pause updates, which always seem to happen at the worst possible time.
If you’re running ANY OLDER VERSION of Windows (7, 8, XP, Server), there’s a serious new threat out there; details here, but consider upgrading sooner than January, when Windows 7 support ends.
Out with iTunes, in with iPadOS
Monday was Apple’s big annual developer conference, where they announced:
The death of iTunes, whose functions are being split among 3 different apps (Music, TV, and Podcasts); but don’t worry, you won’t lose your music and so on.
a new Mac Pro for professionals (aka “the $6000 cheese grater”),
An easier and more secure way to sign into apps;
“Dark mode” for iPhones and iPads, easier on the eyes and may use less power;
And that iPad software will begin diverging from iPhone software, to take advantage of the extra capabilities of the iPad and make it more computer-like.
Most of this won’t take effect until September, so don’t panic about the changes (yet). A notable exception is Back to my Mac, which will be retired effective July 1. If you need remote access and iCloud doesn’t do it for you, we’d suggest TeamViewer instead.
Remember Tokens?
It’s been 23 years since the Metrocard was introduced, and now the MTA is rolling out click-pay, which will use your phone or contactless credit card for subway rides. Limited locations on the 4/5/6 line now, but coming to your ride soon.
Fast and easy, after the initial setup
No more mystery metrocard balance
Security (no confirm-to-pay)
No multi-ride or Transitchek discounts (yet)
Hot Complain is
Our New Favorite Kind
Just for fun, here’s an excerpt from a manufacturer’s email we just received:
4. Hot complain: When all the function use in the same time,
the hub will be a little hot, please kindly know,
under 125.6℉ is safety, this won’t hurt any devices or hub.
. . . . Good to know.