
After the relative austerity of COVID, the last six weeks of 2021 are predicted to be a return to the usual holiday orgy of consumerism. We’re seeing a big jump in people buying new computers and phones and tablets; but what do you do with the old stuff?
On behalf of the planet, please don’t dump it in the trash; you can drop off electronics recycling at any consumer electronics store (Best Buy, Staples) and Apple devices in particular may even have some trade in value. Here’s how to check (What to Do with your Old Mac; What to do with your Old iPhone/iPad).
Wind + Solar + Tech = A Greener Grid

Speaking of being “green,” a couple of years after switching from Con Ed to Arcadia’s clean energy, I’m thrilled to find . . . no difference. That is, our energy bills are exactly the same, but we’re (indirectly) using wind and solar energy instead of fossil fuels. It’s a small but satisfying step.
Handing over your household energy billing to a third party feels risky, but it’s been a breeze (pun intended). More info here.
Last Word on Upgrades
YES, it should be safe for most people to upgrade their iPhones, iPads, and Macs to the latest operating system; but as always, there are no guarantees, so be sure to back up first, just in case.
Zelle + Text Scam

Here’s a good writeup of a very sneaky scam using text messages and Zelle. Worth a quick read so that you don’t fall for this yourself, PLEASE! (With many thanks to DB for passing this along.)