Free Money (Really)

ICYMI: If you had a Facebook account between May 24, 2007 and December 22, 2022, you are eligible to claim a share of the settlement from their privacy class action suit, but the deadline is TODAY (August 25th).
More details in this Washington Post article, and you can submit a claim here. It won’t make you rich, but it’s probably worth a few minutes of your time.
Don’t buy Anything Apple
. . . right now, that is, because their annual September event should be announced this week. Normally, the next generation of iPhones is announced in September, but there may be other items as well (ahem Apple Watch ahem).

That’s all for now–but keep an eye out for the September newsletter, with details on the latest from Apple (and when to turn off automatic updates on your Mac).
Alison Holtzschue
and the computers dot mom team